2022 B2B Half/5K

Become a sponsor for the 2022 Bridge 2 Bridge Half Marathon and 5K!

The sponsorship form for the 2022 Bridge 2 Bridge Half Marathon and 5K can be downloaded by clicking –> here.

Registration for the half marathon on Sun. Oct. 23 or 5K on Sat. Oct. 22 can be done by clicking –> here.


1633 Walnut Blvd.
Ashtabula, OH US 44004

Half marathon course map –> here

5K course map –> here


Half Marathon and 5K Race Information:
Start: Harbor-Topky Memorial Library
1633 Walnut Blvd., Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
Finish: Bridge Street in Ashtabula Harbor
5K Race Date and Time: 10-22-22, 8:30 a.m.
Half Marathon Date and Time: 10-23-22, 8:30 a.m.
Parking: Walnut Beach, West 1st, Street, Ashtabula, Ohio
Packet Pickups:5K (10/22) 7 am to 8:15 am, Half (10/23) 7 am to 8:15 am, both at Harbor-Topky Library, Ashtabula, Ohio.
Awards: CASH!: Half Marathon 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall male & female receive $150, $100, and $50 respectively.
Chip times are used to determine overall and age group winners. Additional prize money awarded if Half Marathon winners set event records male & female. Current event record finish times: Male 1:12:33 (2021), Female 1:26:54 (2020)
Finishers awards and age group awards for Half Marathon. Overall & age groups awards for 5K.
Shirts: Long Sleeve Tech Shirts. Shirts guaranteed for 1st 150 pre-registered through 10/8/22

WARNING: The half marathon course has a railroad crossing and a lift bridge. Rail and boat traffic has the right-a-way and there is no set schedule for either. Your official time does not stop due to delay in your race.

Water Stop Information:

There will be three opportunities for water stops on the half marathon course.
The first location is about 3.5 miles into the race on Columbus Ave. The second will be near the Smolen-Gulf Covered Bridge. The final location will be the same location on Columbus Avenue on your way back toward the finish just prior to Mile 10.
There will be no water stops on the course for the 5K.
If you’re concerned or uneasy about water stops or the number of water stops available, runners are encouraged to carry your own to supplement or provide for your respective needs.

Keeping the Fun in the Run